Wednesday 17 August 2016

Julie Burstein Video Response

In this video, Julie Burstein talks about many things. She pointed out a lot of things and tells a lot of stories.
-She said that imperfection is what people cherish
-Creativity grows out of everyday experiences
-The best place to learn about anything is through stories and being open for that experience that might change you is the first thing that we need to embrace
-Artists also speak about how some of their most powerful work comes out of the parts of life that are most difficult

She also talks about pushing out limits. Like how pushing up against the limits of what we can do. Sometimes pushing into what they can't do helps them focus on finding their own voice.

In our most difficult time of our lives we tend to feel sad and stressed and feel like this is a dead end but she wants us to embrace it and make something beautiful out of that devastation. At the end of her speech, she said: "We all live in the cycle of creation and destruction, of control and letting go, of picking up the pieces and making something new." To me this is a very powerful quote by her and I find it very inspiring.

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