Saturday 27 August 2016

Edward de Bono Video Response

Where does creativity come from? According to Edward's video, creativity is not natural talent. Some people may seem better at generating new ideas and it can make you feel like you are not a creative person. The truth is, that person might have trained his creativity skill a lot more that you do. Creativity is a skill which everyone can learn. It is true that some people might be better than others just like everyone can play tennis and some people are better at skiing. 
How to train lateral thinking:

-Challenging existing concept or idea
-Extraction - is where we find the concept and new ways out of it.
-Provocation - we set up a provocation and we move forward from that to a new idea
-Random entry where we enter different point

You can learn lateral thinking and the more you practice your lateral thinking skill, the better you are at it. Rather than waiting for someone to come up with an idea, you can generate some new ideas.

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