Wednesday 17 August 2016

Elizabeth Gilbert Video Response

In this video by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of best-selling book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, she tells a lot of stories and philosophies. She pointed out quite a lot of points in the video but in a very indirect way. One of my favourites is people tends to be afraid that they will not be able to create something better than what they have created before just because their previous work was really good. They usually feel overshadowed by their great successes and have no idea on how to top that.  For short, people are afraid to make mistakes or they are afraid to leave their comfort zone. The thing is, we do what we need to do whatever the outcome is. According to her, one of the main factors that cause this problem is people are sometimes afraid of being humiliated by rejection. They are afraid that they will never be good enough for other people From this video, I can conclude that we must not be afraid or feel daunted by what other people says to you. Just do your job. Continue to show up for your piece of it whatever it might be. If your job is to draw, then do your drawing.

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