Sunday 2 October 2016

Shawn Achor Video Response

This video is about the happy secret to better work. In this video, Shawn explained a lot of things and pointed out some of the things that I found interesting. He said "normal is merely average". This is true because from my personal experience, being normal feels average and very stale. No wonder why people likes to say "I hate being normal". He also said that if we study what is merely average, we will remain merely average. This is very similar to the quote "you are what you eat”. So basically, if we study or learn more about something that’s been very mainstream for a long time, we will turn into a normal person as time goes by. But one of the most interesting things that he said was “I we can change the lens, not only we can change your happiness, we can change every single education and business outcome at the same time”.

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