Friday 29 July 2016

Bras Basah MRT Station

I was on the escalator at the Bras Basah MRT Station the other day then I saw something that caught my attention. It was the roof at the exit of the MRT Station. The roof is made out of glass and the coolest part about the design is that they added water on top of that glass roof thus creating a very wide shallow pond adding some form of life to the design. This is a very clever design. It’s very subtle yet very eye catching..

Fish Illusion

This picture caught my attention the first time I saw it. It triggers the creative side in me. It makes you want to look longer at the picture to figure out that there are 2 fishes in this picture. This picture is very simple yet very eye catching because of the illusion it produces. Even though it’s just a picture of 2 fishes being held by a woman, the way she holds the fishes is very creative. It looks like she is squinting her eyes but no, those are the fish’s eyes. 


Meme is a very well known internet culture that has been around since the early days of the internet. A lot of people loves meme and there are literally thousands of meme floating on the internet and the picture on the left is one of those. It got me thinking because sometimes memes are born by accident. What makes it interesting are the flaws. The imperfections of the line, expression, and usage makes meme very popular. This is what got me inspired.

Floating Ants

The first time I see this happens in real life I thought it was a small lump of ground popping out of the water but as I look closer I started to think that it’s actually not ground at all, those are ants. It makes me wonder if I can actually create something similar to it because I really like the idea of seeing something smooth and reflective around a very rough looking object as the vocal point. very nice texture if done on canvas

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Eye Pupil

The human eye is a very unique feature of the human body especially the pupil. I remember the first time I saw a close up picture of a pupil and it amazed me. It looks like a crater on the surface of the moon or a big hole of nothingness surrounded by canyons. This excites me and this is the reason why I always look at people in the eye the first time I meet someone. Sometimes we just have to see something a little bit closer to see how interesting it actually is.

Brain Nervous System

This is a picture of the human brain nervous system. This picture makes me feel very curious. It feels like this picture is dragging me into the darkness of the void and it’s very mysterious. If you look closely, this picture is very similar to our universe if seen as a whole. It feels like this picture consists of millions of stars in the nothingness of the universe. But this is our brain. It feels amazing to have something that magnificent in our body. And this would make a great artwork! It looks like something Jackson Pollock would have made if he were still alive

Saturday 23 July 2016

Dead Gecko

This is a picture I took earlier this month (July). It's basically a dead gecko. I like this particular picture because of the design aesthetic. The effect and the honesty of this picture got my attention. The white part of the tape looks like it's trying to remind the gecko that there have been multiple geckos that died there. The shape of the gecko, laying flat on a plastic container covered in brown scotch tape is just the way it is. Very honest and it tells so much story behind it

Friday 22 July 2016

Points from video: ‘Tim Brown: Tales of Creativity and Play'

  • As an adult, we are embarrassed to show or share our ideas to others because we fear that people might not like our ideas and according to the video this is what causes us to be conservative in our thinking.
  • While adults are embarrassed to express their ideas, kids are very open and they are even very excited to show others their ideas 
  • Friendship is the shortcut to play. It gives us a sense of trust which allows us to take creative risks.
  • Playfulness is important. It helps us to get creative solutions and helps us do our job better
  • We need rules to help us break the old rules and norms because rules help us to narrow down the ideas so we can be more focused on what we are working on
  • Giving someone permission to think with their hands (such as making prototypes or rough sketches) can make ideas get realised or executed more easily
  • Kids are more open to new possibilities and as people who work in the creative industry, we also need to be open and try new things.
  • There are 3 main ways that can be used to test out our ideas. They include Exploration (go for quantity), Building (thinking with our hands), and Role Play (by acting it out).